🚓The first heartbreak 💃(Brookhaven Blues Series Book 1)

By Amanda Bailey

Trope: Second chance romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Contains / Feels like: 💓💓💓💓💓/💔💔💔/🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Favourite Quote: “I was going to say I’m done denying I still have feelings for you”

“When a cop, a ballerina and their history reunite.”

 A beautiful written romance, about a couple of highschool sweethearts with the saddest and most selfless break up. When Kennedy and Travis reunite 18 years later, chances for a second chance a small at first. But their love once was big and the remnants are bigger. Sparks fly and so they become relatively fast overwhelmed by their feelings. But as always there are hurdles to overcome, broken hearts to repair, mistrust to usher away and then someone or something gets in the way. I liked Kennedy very much, despite everything she makes the best of it. Work, home, her feelings. And Travis. He made a bad choice, or an unthoughtful one, but he is the bookboyfriend dreams are made of. I am so ready for the next book in this world. Because the people there are so kind and beautifully written, you want to know, what is next.